Modified Sports
Upon entry into the 7th grade, a student is eligible for modified program competition. Our league and Section III organizes the various modified programs by age, grade or ability level for students in grades 7, 8, and in some cases, 9. Coaches will place students at levels appropriate to their physical maturity, fitness and skills in relationship to other students on those teams. Any student in grades seven or eight invited by a coach and the Athletic Director to try-out for a JV or Varsity sport must pass a physical fitness test and meet the physical maturity requirements set forth in the APP, as well as the athletic requirements for the specific sport. To be considered for this opportunity, it is at the discretion of the sport-specific Coach and Athletic Director.
Typically, a student will be eligible for senior high school athletic competition in a sport during each of four consecutive seasons of such sport commencing with the pupil's entry into the ninth grade and before graduation. There are many other regulations by the state regarding eligibility for competition. Any questions or concerns about eligibility should be addressed with the Athletic Director.