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Pick-Up/Drop Off Location

HCS Pick Up/Drop Off Zone Procedures:

Side parking lot and in front of school by playground

In Front of School, by Playground

The sign in front of our playground allows for standing only, no parking. On school days, from the hours of 7-9 am and 2-4 pm cars should not be left unattended. If you need to walk into the building to pick up your child, you must park your car in a parking area. 

East Side of the School

Drivers should never leave their vehicles unattended when using this area for drop off (in front of the bench on the east side of the school). This is to ensure the safety of our students. Please do not pass cars that have stopped to drop off students as this may cause an unsafe situation. This is not a “parking” area.

Parents Needing to “Park” Their Vehicle

Please use the parking lot to the east side of the building for any type of transportation needs that require the driver to leave the vehicle. There are a few visitor spots in the front row and many spaces available on either side of the bus garage. Please do not drop-off, pick up, park in, or use the bus loop in front of the school at anytime during the school day.

Try to plan ahead when dropping off and picking up students. At times, the drop off spots can become congested and require patience. Following the above guidance helps the drop off and pick up times to be more efficient and safe for our children. 

Thank you,

HCS Administration